Root Zero

Carbon Neutral (Off-Setting)

Our ultimate goal is to reduce our carbon emissions to the absolute minimum. Until we reach this goal, we’re investing in carbon offset projects that will neutralize the unavoidable carbon emissions we make today.

Working with our trusted partner Climate Partners, we have carefully selected projects to off-set our GHG emissions.

For every 1,000 tonnes of ROOT ZERO potatoes we sell we offset 586 tonnes of GHG emissions (this is 10% more than our carbon footprint, because we want to do more for the planet than “just our bit”)

Our off-setting projects will support local economies and fund work that is making a real impact, helping to build a healthier, more sustainable planet.


PROJECT 1: Afforestation in Nicaragua: Bamboo for deforestation-free products

Bamboo is one of the most efficient biological tools for fighting climate change. This project in eastern Nicaragua has planted more than 1 million plants of a native species of giant clumping bamboo, covering 2,361 hectares while protecting an additional 1,000 hectares of old forest as a conservation zone.

PROJECT 2: Clean drinking water in India: Clean drinking water, where it is not a given

In many of the world's poorer regions children die from cholera or typhoid fever each year. Such diseases are spread mainly though drinking water. But only 32% of households in India have access to treated water. Many of them have to make do with boiling their water over an open fire.

PROJECT 3: The Rwanda Improved Cookstove Project: Clean cooking stoves to prevent cooking over an open fire

In many of the world’s poorer regions, families cook their meals over an open fire, often in enclosed spaces. This method of cooking is however not energy efficient, as large amounts of heat go to waste.