Root Zero Projects
The ROOT ZERO biodiversity woodland – an amazing carbon capture machine
But, despite their importance, it’s a sad fact that less than 15% of the UK’s total land area has tree cover. At ROOT ZERO we want to help fix this.
The UK Government say 1.5 billion trees need to be panted to help the UK reach net zero by 2050.
As part of our journey towards Net Zero, we have plans to create a ROOT ZERO BIODIVERSITY WOODLAND, a 30+ acre-woodland, (that’s the equivalent to 22 full-sized football pitches!), planted in the heart of our beloved Pembrokeshire.
By planting trees, we will also draw down the CO2 that is already affecting our planet. This will have huge benefits for biodiversity, and the trees will also help to stabilise our climate, our fresh water and all the other services that nature provides for free.